Donate directly:

Shop our Amazon Smile charity wishlist! All items will go into care packages for local GSAs! We also have a Zazzle shop; purchase something with our logo, and we get some of the proceeds.
Our EIN is 84-2519026
Volunteers & board of directors
- We’re very collaborative!
- We serve 1-year terms.
- We currently have 5 board members with capacity for 10.
- We meet, discuss, plan, & coordinate.
- We spend time doing paperwork to keep our organization registered with the state, and we maintain all bookkeeping and banking paperwork. We run our website, social media, digital accounts, and keep in contact with teachers, advisors, and organizations in our area.
- We meet at least every three months and often every month, hour tops. We also email and text each other.
- We each spend two or three hours a month on QCA work. Sometimes more at the start of the school year.
- All board members must be 18+ and able to pass a background check.
- As we’re a locally-focused organization, board members should live and/or work in our area pocket, Utah County or south Salt Lake County.
Interested? Email us! (
If you still want to volunteer your time and energy, but don’t have capacity to be involved in the heavy lifting of our organization, please reach out and ask how you can help in other ways! Examples: committing to visiting your local GSA monthly, helping at our table when we’re invited to community events, soliciting donations in your circles.
A HUGE way you can help change our communities to be safer places is to support YOUR local high school GSA. A GSA (gay-straight alliance) is an extracurricular club supported by a high school teacher, counselor, or staff member and led by high school students. They get together regularly to socialize, play games, learn new skills, or do service projects. Call your local high school & ask them to put you in touch with their GSA advisor. Some information about local GSAs is included on our GSA listing page.
A big thank you to local businesses that have supported Queer Community Allies!
- Backyard Bookkeeper (2019)
- Beans & Brews (2019, 2021)
- Coffee Creations (2019)
- Cravings Alisha’s Cupcakes (2020)
- Grinders Coffee House (2020)
- J Dawgs (2020, 2021)
- MOD Pizza Saratoga Springs (2020)
- Mojo Printing (2020, 2021)
- Revolution Print & Packaging (2020)
- Utah First Title (2021)
From GLAAD: 10 Ways to Be an Ally & a Friend
- Be a listener.
- Be open-minded.
- Be willing to talk.
- Be inclusive.
- Don’t assume that your friends and co-workers are straight. Someone close to you could be looking for support in their coming-out process.
- Anti-LGBT comments and jokes are harmful. Vocalize that you find them offensive.
- Confront your own prejudices and bias, even if it is uncomfortable to do so.
- Defend your LGBT friends against discrimination.
- Believe that all people, regardless of gender identity and sexual orientation, should be treated with dignity and respect.